Monthly Archives: February 2014


Beauty RO 03 pres

Although i was happy with my last haircut, the next morning i was starting to count 
the days until it grows back, after realizing i will get bored of having the same
 hairstyle. Continue reading 



The things I couldn't but notice when I met Margherita Abi-Hanna were her beautiful 
symmetric smile, her very structured short hair & very minimalist fashion look:
 a pure reflection of her work...
Coming from a Graphic design background, I automatically detect the 
pure lines, the delicate positive negative proportions & the architectural feel in
 Margherita's work! Continue reading 

SARAH’S BAG a pure nostalgia and more…


One of my favorite memories as a kid, was when my mother came to us saying 
" yalla let's go to grandma's house " 
In the car " my little nose started to flicker just thinking about grandma's delicious
traditional desserts ... and all the beautiful things I would discover there. 
At my ancient grandma's house i discovered all sort of objects, smells, handicrafts, black
& white pictures, souvenirs... And where I became a big vintage fan.

I rediscovered a pure moment of nostalgia, that brought me years back at my grandma's. 
It all started with the sound of the boutique's door closing behind me at Sarah's bag, 
100 Rue du Liban Beirut.
 Continue reading